
FliteMod website is provided by FlitePartners as a resource or marketplace for all services and products related to third party modification of commercial jet and turboprop aircraft. You will notice that, unlike "aircraft parts" websites which are Part Number driven, is description driven which enables the user to filter by Category the product or service being searched for.

Once registered with the FliteMod website, you could search our database based on the description of the parts or services you would like to purchase.  Even better you will be able to post a "Wanted Ad" for the parts or services you need but don't see in our database.  Or you could browse products or services in different categories listed on our site.

If you have any existing seats or aircraft parts removed from aircraft and need to find a buyer, our FliteMod website will be an ideal place for you to list your products for sale.  Alternatively you may contact us and we would be happy to assist you on listing your products onto the website.

If you would like to learn more about what our FliteMod website could offer you, please don't hesitate to get in touch by email to: or telephone +44 (01252)560380.

Flocking (Flame Retardant)

FlitePartners has developed a Flocking Process that can be applied to interior components to give a soft feel, sound deadening and aesthetic look. Because Flocking is applied electrostatically it is possible to Flock onto complex 3D geometry.

Weight and Balance

FlitePartners offers a Weight and Balance service for commercial jet or turboprop aircraft. We are alway interested to discuss your particular project requirements.

Technical Publications

FlitePartners can provide technical publications authorship to detail changes required. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements to see how we may assist you on your future projects.

Combination Burn Test & Certification

FlitePartners offers a Combination Burn Test and Certification service for commercial jet or turboprop aircraft. This might be seat covers, cushions or the two in combination as well as curtains or carpets.


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